Friday, April 13, 2018

The Amazing Benefits Of Patchouli Essential Oil

The health benefits of patchouli essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an antidepressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, deodorant, diuretic, fungicide, insecticide, sedative, and a tonic substance. It also has wound healing and scar reducing properties, as well as aphrodisiac effects. 

For many people, a whiff of patchouli oil brings to mind the hippie movement of the '60s and '70s. But beyond this oil's unique aroma that's associated with the "flower children" is a wealth of benefits that can soothe and heal you inside out. Discover more interesting facts about patchouli oil below.....

What Exactly Is Patchouli Oil?

Patchouli oil is derived from a large evergreen perennial that is a member of the Labiatae family, and a close relative of mint, lavender and sage. 

The name "patchouli" (Pogostemon cablin or Pogostemon patchouli) is said to be derived from the ancient Tamil words "patchai" and "ellai," meaning "green leaf."

Others say it comes from the Hindustan word "patchoi," meaning "to scent," referring to its use as a fragrance.

Patchouli originates from Southeast Asia. Today, it's cultivated in China, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, but also grows in South America and other tropical regions like Hawaii.

Patchouli oil is extracted from the lightly fragrant leaves and the white, violet-marked flowers of the plant. It's a thick, light yellow or brown liquid, with a strong, musky-earthy and slightly sweet aroma, reminiscent of wet soil. For some, the potent fragrance of this oil is an acquired taste.
What sets patchouli oil apart from other herbal oils is that it gets better with age. Its light yellow color turns into a deep amber, and the scent becomes smoother and richer.    
The insecticidal and insect repellent properties of this oil have been known for many years, particularly as it was used in the protection of clothes and fabrics from insects. More health benefits of patchouli essential oil have been discovered and it is now one of the most versatile and celebrated essential oils on the market.
How to use Patchouli Oil.....
Patchouli has been used for thousands of years. It was very valuable — early European traders actually  exchanged 1 pound of patchouli for a pound of gold.
Romans used it as an appetite stimulant while, in Egypt, it was said that Pharaoh Tutankhamun — also known as King Tut — arranged to have 10 gallons of patchouli oil buried with him in his tomb. Patchouli oil has long been used in traditional Asian medicine, especially in Malaysia, China and Japan. It is used to treat skin and hair problems, such as dermatitis, eczema, acne, dry chapped skin, dandruff, and oily scalp.
It also has wound healing and scar reducing properties, as well as aphrodisiac effects. The link to sexual desire likely originated from India, where it is used in Tantric sexual practices.
Patchouli oil is also popularly used as a fabric fragrance, a practice that dates back to 19th century India. Manufacturers used it as a moth repellent for fabrics that are exported to other countries. The scent was so widely used that it became an indicator of authentic Oriental fabric. English and French garment makers even became obliged to add patchouli oil to their imitation products to make them acceptable in the market.
Today, patchouli oil is used as a fragrance in skin and personal care products, air fresheners, laundry detergents, and paper towels. It's also used as incense and as a base note for perfumes. In aromatherapy, patchouli oil is said to help relieve anxiety, stress and depression. Its calming effect is very effective for relaxation and meditation. Simply add a few drops in a diffuser or vaporizer.
You can also mix it into your face cream, lotion or shampoo, or even add it to your bathwater. 

Here are other ways to use patchouli oil:
  • Massage it on your skin to help prevent wrinkles and cellulite. Simply dilute it in a light carrier oil.
  • Dab a small amount on your skin to soothe cuts, scrapes, burns and sores, as well as insect bites.
  • Apply a few drops on your wrists or add it to your sheets to keep ants, bedbugs and other pests away.
  • Put two to three drops on a cotton ball and dab it on your underarms to prevent body odor.
  • Mix a couple of drops into your shampoo or conditioner to treat dandruff and oily hair. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing.

 Health benefits of Patchouli Oil

 Patchouli oil can help address health conditions such as:
  • Inflammation — Patchouli oil can help soothe inflammation and/or irritation. It also works for inflammation-related conditions, like gout and arthritis.
  • Fungal infection — It helps inhibit fungal growth and gives you protection against notorious infections, such as athlete's foot.
  • Colds and flu — Patchouli oil can bolster your immune system to help you avoid colds, influenza and tonsillitis.
  • Fever —It helps fight infections that cause fever and reduces your body temperature.
  • Sexual problems (men and women) — It stimulates the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, and helps boost your sex drive. It is useful for impotence, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and sexual anxiety.
Patchouli oil is a tonic that helps promote your overall well-being by toning your stomach, liver and intestines to optimize metabolic function. It also helps regulate your Endocrinol secretions of hormones and enzymes, and boosts your nervous and immune system health.

The Candle Doctor carries 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils & No Blends. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Lemongrass & Rose Facial Scrub

Lemongrass & Rose Facial Scrub

Grown by family farmers in Southern India, lemongrass produces a smoky, citrus essential oil that offers a variety of  purifying and toning benefits to the skin. Consider adding a few drops of Lemongrass essential oil to your daily cleanser or moisturizer to help tone and purify skin.
The health benefits of lemongrass essential oil can be attributed to its beneficial properties as an analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, nervine, sedative, and a tonic substance.
The antiseptic properties of lemongrass oil make it a good application for external wounds as well as a useful ingredient in antiseptic lotions and creams. The antiseptic properties of this oil do not let the external cuts and wounds become septic.
Rose Buds
Antibacterial: Naturally antibacterial rose buds can help treat acne and acne-prone skin. Combined with its cleansing properties, rose makes an ideal ingredient in face washes and cleansers.

Anti-inflammatory: While we may think of roses for their iconic deep red color, rose oils can actually help reduce swollen spots or redness on your skin. Its calming properties can also help sooth rosecea and eczema.

You can even create a calming face mask from rose petals. Simply soak 8 petals in 3-4 tablespoons of water for 2-3 hours. Then mash the petals into the water and add 3 tablespoons of honey. Mix well, and apply to entire face. Leave on for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Antioxidants: Rose contains high amounts of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. This important vitamin can help protect skin cells from damage, such as from staying out in the sun too long. Some evidence even suggests that rose water can help prevent sunburn.

Moisturizing: The natural oils found in roses help lock moisture into the skin, keeping skin feeling smooth. Rose is especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin because the sugars in its petals create a soothing feeling.

Naturally fragrant: Many organic beauty products choose to include rose for its delicate aroma in lieu of artificial fragrances.

Relaxing: When used aromatically, rose calms and soothes the mind. In fact, rose petals are a staple in Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify and calm. While this characteristic doesn’t directly add beauty benefits, it sure makes that rose-scented lotion or cream an extra pleasant experience.

Toning: As a natural astringent, rose helps tighten pores and restore suppleness for a glowy complexion. Unlike conventional alcohol-based toners, rose leaves skin feeling smooth, not dried out.

Why use a Facial Scrub

The truth of the matter is exfoliation is a no brainer; it is essential if you want clean healthy skin it's something you should practice at least once a week. .

See, it turns out your skin is your largest organ and literally the barrier between you and the outside world, producing and then shedding millions of cells each day.

Exfoliation is the simple process of removing these dead cells from the top layers of your skin in order to reveal the healthy cells beneath.

Exfoliation is not so much about vanity as it is about a good healthy practice, as it is under this dead skin that oil build up and grim accumulates.


The Benefits Of Skin Exfoliation

Exfoliation is the removal of dry/dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and is one of the most important aspects of your home skincare routine for face and body.
Exfoliation not only helps many skin problems, it also increases blood circulation, which in turn helps you to achieve healthy and glowing skin.

How Often Should You Exfoliate?

I suggest exfoliating twice a week as part of a good home care regime – both the face and body. While it’s important to remove dead skin it’s also important not to strip away too many of your natural oils, so a good balance is essential.

Aftercare For Exfoliating

Because you are increasing blood circulation, breaking down toxins and encouraging new skin cells to come through, our best advice is to drink lots of water which drains toxins and helps give those new skin cells a “drink from the inside”.
It is important to apply a good Natural Facial Moisturiser to hydrate the skin from the outside in. The Candle Doctor has created a revolutionary 100% natural facial moisturizer excellent for all skin types. Click Here for more information…
Do not expose your exfoliated skin to UV rays, sun, sunbed for 24 hours.


Specific Benefits of Exfoliation

Blemished Skin

It is important for people with blemished skin to use an exfoliator on the face or body at least twice a week. Some people believe the best way to stop a break-out is to strip the skin, killing bacteria, but, this will also dry out the skin and cause irritation.
We would suggest removing dead cells while keeping the skin clean and hydrating with a good Natural Facial Moisturizer, making sure that you apply the moisturizer with clean hands to prevent bacterial infection and spots. *****

Post-Breakout, Red and Dark Marks

After having a blemish on the skin there can sometimes be a dark mark left for a while. The best way to fade these dark marks is to exfoliate twice a week to remove those damaged skin cells and encourage new healthy skin tissue to grow through.

Clogged Pores

If you suffer from clogged pores, exfoliation helps to draw out congestion, otherwise known as blackheads and whiteheads. Most common areas for breakouts are the nose, chin and forehead. Remember, twice a week max.


Pigmentation is the dark areas that come from age, pregnancy and changes in your hormonal balance. These areas tend to become more apparent and darker as the skin ages.
Exfoliation is beneficial for breaking up pigmented cells, encouraging them to fade. Regular targeted exfoliation treatments are also good to help promote healthy skin reproductions, helping these areas to fade.


Dry Skin

If your skin is dry or dehydrated, you may find scaly or flakey areas which would benefit hugely from exfoliation. Once you have exfoliated an area of dry skin you can apply a moisturiser to the new skin cells.

Ingrowing Hairs

When you have your legs or bikini line waxed you are pulling the hair from the root. Although the hair will eventually grow back weaker, it sometimes cannot pierce through the skin and a red spot will appear around the hair. This is an ingrowing hair – Exfoliation the area you will remove dead skin and allow the hair to break through the skin.

General Health and Well Being

When you exfoliate the body you are increasing the blood circulation and lymphatic system which is very beneficial for the body, this helps encourage new skin cells, breaks down fatty tissues, and breaks down and drains toxins from the skin. After exfoliating the skin is left beautifully soft ready to absorb a good moisturiser.

Sun Tanning

Exfoliating dead skin cells from your body is essential for sun tanning and is ideal as a pre-holiday skin boost. By getting rid of dead skin cells the sun will be affecting the new skin cells, which will last longer and leave your tan looking more even. Make sure you moisturise and keep your skin protected safely when tanning, and also hydrated through body moisture lotions.

Fake Tanning

A good tanning regime (whether cream tan or spray tanning) should start with exfoliation. Removing dead skin cells from your body will leave an even and consistent surface to your skin for applying the fake tan. This will ensure your tan looks amazing and lasts longer.

The Candle Doctor has created a revolutionary Lemongrass & Rose bud Facial Scrub.

Monday, January 22, 2018

100% Natural Facial Moisturizer!

100% Natural Facial Moisturizer!

The main purpose of a facial moisturizer is to hydrate the skin, and to reinforce the natural skin barrier. Most moisturizers offer additional benefits, such as sun protection and anti-aging.

Applying your moisturizer correctly, on the other hand, boosts hydration in your skin, prevents flaking and dullness, and creates a protective layer of moisture that lasts all day. Plus, proper application of a face cream will help anti-aging ingredients work better — increasing the odds that they'll work.On top of everything else you need to do in the morning, moisturizing your skin can feel like another chore – so why do it? As it turns out, moisturizing doesn’t just feel great, it can help keep your skin clear, smooth, and wrinkle-free.

Moisturizing reduces the chances of skin problems. Using the right kind of moisturizer for your skin can help maintain its balance. When skin is too dry or too oily, many common skin problems like acne start to pop up. 

Moisturizing can reduce the appearance of other blemishes. Freshly moisturized skin has a healthy sheen, which can even out any existing blemishes.

Moisturizing helps your skin stay young. The most sensitive areas of your skin – the face, ears, neck, and chest – replace themselves more often than any other area on your skin. This daily loss of skin cells leaves these areas vulnerable to the dryness and the elements – in fact, they are highest-risk areas for skin cancer.

Moisturizing can help give your sensitive skin the boost it needs to repair itself and stay healthy.

Moisturizing fights wrinkles. That plump, firm feeling in your face after moisturizing isn’t an illusion. According to the British Journal of Dermatology, people with properly moisturized skin accumulate wrinkles at just a fraction of the rate of those with dry skin.

It’s the perfect end to a hot shower. Let’s face it – a hot shower feels great and invigorating, but it strips the moisture right out of your skin. Taking just a minute to put on some moisturizer will make sure your skin isn’t only clean, but protected from the stresses of the day and feeling great.

The Candle Doctor has a 100% Natural Facial Moisturizer! 

This revolutionary facial moisturizer is excellent for all skin types. We infused Raw Organic Shea Butter with Rich Aloa Vera and deep penetrating Tee Tree Essential Oils and Soy Bean Oils. This Moisturizer is Light and Non Greasy with a multitude of Benefits.....

The Shea Butter in our moisturizer is one of the best moisturizing, anti-aging regenerating and protecting natural products in the World! It heals....

Dry skin

Skin rash

Skin peeling, after tanning

Blemishes and Wrinkles

Itching skin


Shaving cream for a smooth silky shave

Small skin wounds

Skin cracks

Tough or rough skin (Feet, Elbow)

Cold weather

Frost bites

Stretch mark prevention during pregnancy

Insect bites

Healthy skin

Muscle fatigue aches and tension

For before and after strenuous exercise

Skin allergies such as poison ivy or poison oak



The Aloe Vera contains two hormones: Auxin and Gibberellins. These two hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skininflammation. ... Additionally, in Ayurvedic medicine, Aloe is used to effectively heal chronic skin problems, such as psoriasis, acne and eczema.

The Tee Tree Essential Oil is well-known for its powerful antiseptic properties and ability to treat wounds. Tea tree oil (TTO), the volatile essential oil derived mainly from the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia has been widely used throughout Australia for at least the past 100 years.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Frankincense is a Natural Anti Aging Miracle

Frankincense is the King of Essential Oils

Frankincense essential oil is a powerful astringent, meaning it helps protect skin cells. ... Frankincense has the ability to strengthen skin and improve its tone, elasticity, defense mechanisms against bacteria or blemishes, and appearance as someone ages.

The astringent properties of Frankincense make it an excellent choice for topical uses. Anti-aging products use the oil for the skin benefits. It also may help speed healing of minor wounds and insect bites. I personally use it in homemade beauty products for its scent and for reducing scars or tightening skin.

Frankincense essential oil is obtained from the dried and distilled resin of the Frankincense tree, which is native to specific regions of Africa and the Middle East.

Frankincense oil gets its name from the term “franc encens,” which means “high-quality incense” in French. Considered to be a “pure incense,” it was the most desirable of all the other types of incense.

Its potent aroma can be described as woody, earthy, and spicy with a fruity nuance. Used in aromatherapy, its sedative and comforting fragrance is believed to strengthen and invigorate the respiratory system.

Frankincense essential oil contains properties that reduce feelings of anxiety, stimulate the immune system, and diminish signs of aging, among other demonstrated activities. It can be used cosmetically, medicinally, and for eliminating surface area blemishes or wrinkles.

Tips For Mixing Frankincense Oil Into Your Skin Care Products:

Use ~6 drops per ounce for face products.Use ~12 drops per ounce for body lotions.Use ~20 drops per ounce for shampoos, hair masks and products you rinse off.Always do a patch test first to check for skin sensitivity.For liquids, shake well before use.

The Candle Doctor stocks and distributes 100% Organic Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. To purchase a 15ml bottle of Frankincense Purchase Below.